Throw out Your Razor
Tired of shaving and waxing unwanted hair? Talk to Elite Medi Spa about laser hair reduction treatments.
Reduce Unwanted Facial + Body Hair
Elite uses a state-of-the-art, safe, and highly effective 810nm diode laser to permanently reduce unwanted facial and body hair. The unique setting of this device allows us to efficiently treat both small and large areas.
This laser eliminates the need for countless grooming hours, and it also prevents unwanted ingrown hairs, unsightly bumps, razor cuts, burns, and even can excessive sweating.
We offer you the highly regarded 810nm diode laser, known as the gold standard in the industry because we are committed to effective treatments.
Not only is our diode laser highly reliable, but it also has a built-in cooling touch handpiece which makes your treatment more comfortable.
Our diode laser delivers fast and effective hair reduction on all client skin types and hair colors.
Due to its varying treatment settings, it provides fast treatments on large treatment areas like the legs, back, chest, and arms. It also safely and precisely treats small, targeted areas such as the face and bikini area.
How does laser hair reduction work?
During your treatment, our diode laser emits light energy into the area of unwanted hair. The light moves safely through your skin and targets the pigmented melanin in your hair follicles.
This light energy destroys the root of the hair preventing it from producing additional hair.
How many laser hair reduction treatments are recommended?
Laser energy is only effective on hair in the active growth phase. Each of your hair follicles produces hair at different rates, meaning the growth rate phase for each varies.
You’ll need multiple laser hair treatments to effectively treat the follicles in their growth phase. On average, you may need six to eight treatments, routinely spaced four to six weeks apart for optimal and long-lasting results.
Stop spending countless hours reducing unwanted hair and opt for a permanent goodbye with laser hair reduction. Experience smooth, hair-free skin with our diode laser.
Call us at (541) 797-6306 to schedule a free consultation or treatment.